Sunday, April 3, 2016

Iain Letter 5 (3/28/16)

 Hello Elder Hawkes,

So happy to hear the word about Emma's baptism and to receive photos. The work continues! I hope she finds great peace and understanding as she progresses in the Gospel. I hope the local leadership know (to quote Pres Hinckley) "Each new member needs a friend and a church calling" She will be making new friends and associates as she adapts to her new life.

I was told once that "baptism is never a mistake". Nevertheless, we need Priesthood all over the world in our wards and branches. Otherwise the Church will shrivel and die. We need Priesthood authority to administer the ordinances of the Gospel. I think I mentioned my experiences in a Hong Kong Ward full of Sisters and only a handful of Priesthood. Personally I have always felt that the Sisters were far more spiritual than the men and as a result more receptive and sensitive  to the promptings of the spirit and the Gospel message. I have also heard it said (jokingly)  "If the Sisters were in charge, the Millennium would have come years ago" Ha. 

I was in COSTCO on Saturday and  saw  your parents. ! We had a good catch up. They are exceptional people and you are blessed to have them as your eternal parents. Between you and me I think they are also blessed to have you as an eternal son.! I know you will never let them down- or your Father in Heaven. 

We have just celebrated Easter. I have been pondering non stop what the Savior did for each one of us...His mission to this earth, His Gospel, His unbelievable suffering in Gethsemane and on the cross. The miracle of the ressurection which is a gift for everyone regardless . It is simply beyond comprehension. I also think it very significant that he first appeared to Mary and not a man. Her comment, once she realised who it was "Raboni"- Master.  says it all. 

You are in our prayers and we all send love and blessings your way.

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