Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Iain Letter 3


Dear Elder Hawkes,

I have been intending to reply to your message from a week ago but because of some pressures here didn't get it written. Now it is a week later and I'm sorry. Thanks for the hour glass message. Your companion sounds like a challenge. You can learn from it- how not to act with future companions !!!! Hopefully he will mature and learn also. I hope he didn't have a New Zealand flag among those! Ha.
I was interested to see you quote Elder Stephen B Allen. I worked alongside him when he first became a Church employee. He has had a stellar career. We didn't always see eye to eye and he gave me a few rough times but the work went forth regardless! You will find it the same with your companion "experiences".  Elder Allen's missionary stages were interesting. Bottom line: You have been called by a Prophet to serve. You have been ordained to the Holy Priesthood. You have the power and authority to act in the name of the Lord. Go to work and let the Lord do the worrying. It is His Church. It will all work out. Try not to get upset or even a little bit angry. That is the adversary trying to  stop the work going forward.    

Well, enough Kiwi "preaching" for this week. I'll try and practise what I preach by not getting "angry "when kids arrive this afternoon unprepared!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha.


Iain B. Mckay


Dear Elder Hawkes,
I can’t believe that you are in already three weeks in the field, being apart of the great work. I’m so glad that you are enjoying, and fulfilling your mission. College is awesome, and i’m loving the experience I am having. I truly am learning so much about myself, the gospel, and others. As I have read missionary letters, from my dearest friends, I can’t help but look at the people around me and feel this indescribable love for them. I love people I have only known only five minutes of being on the bus with them. I want to share my joy with them, which is the gospel. I think when I'm on a mission the hardest thing for me would be sharing the gospel to those I love, so practically everyone I come in contact with, and having them not accept it. I believe that I would literally become depressed, but I have faith in the knowledge that everyone will accept it on the lords time, and when they are ready. Everything happens when it will benefit the lords children the most.
Today in institute we talked about knowing the difference between god vs. google or the wheat vs. the tares or truth vs. error. I want to share some of my thoughts with you.
Facts about tares:
~If you eat any type of tare they will cause you serious sickness.
~Tares wrap their roots around the roots of other plants, in this case the wheat, and will pull them down that they become so weak they can’t even hold themselves up.
~You can’t tell the difference between them without diligently watching them grow. Usually its the head of the tare that is different from the wheat, but there are other differences such as; color, length, etc., but these signs don’t show right away.  
The wheat and the tares look so similar, but one will grant you happiness and the other will literally pull you down, like I mentioned earlier. It is hard to know the difference between the two. Some people can tell the difference right away. Others may take a while to find the difference, and what they find may not be the same thing someone else found. However, all have found some part of the truth, and must hold on to their new testimony. For the gospel is a treasure, especially if you found it on your own faith.
 Matt 13:44 or Matt 13:45-46. “Sell all that thou has.”
The gospel is amazing. The gospel is simple. It is simple because it is for all people, not just the wise and the learned. It’s for those that just want pure joy, peace, a friend, relief, forgiveness, change, and love. We are here to become like our savior, who came to earth and completed the atonement, so that we can rise when we fall. Everyone has the light of Christ in them, Jord, they just can’t see it yet. The more I learn of Christ the more I want to make sure that I am using the atonement in all aspects of my life, not just when I sin and need forgiveness. When you find the people who don’t think they are worthy for the gospel, the love of Christ, forgiveness, or whatever help them know that when you sin, and feel guilty about it, it is a sign of a healthy spirit. It’s a spirit that wants to progress, change, and become more like Christ. It’s a spirit that knows it’s greater potential. Satan wants us to look at our sins, but God wants us to look at his son, our Savior. Life is good, Jord, and I hope you know how much we all love and miss you. Continue to do good.
Your friend,

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