Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Letter to Iain Mckay


Thanks so much for your letters! They are awesome. In the last letter you mentioned something that I have really come to realize here on my mission, and that is that families are vital to God's plan. When we look through past records of inactives, recent converts, and strong members, almost every single family is strong in the church. There are a few part-member families, but the majority make up some of the strongest members in the ward. Interestingly enough, most of our less actives in the wards we are serving in are single Brothers and single Sisters. While this statement isn't 100% absolute, families are the strongest unit in the church, and I have come to realize and understand that. Only in a family of members can you find strong support and encouragement in the Gospel. Anyways, thanks again for you letters and for the awesome teacher you have been for so many years--both in piano and in life. Your example and stories have always encouraged me to become a better person and in consequence a better missionary. Best of luck in teaching other students as well as all of your other endeavors! You're the best Iain!

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