Monday, January 4, 2016

Christmas and "Little Rain"


Quick side note before I get started on Christmas as a missionary in Taiwan--I love Xiao Yu. Literally translated: "Little Rain". All the rain I've ever been in is just rain. Like, drops of water. Little did I know that there was another kind of rain. The best way to describe it is the stuff you get when you turn the backyard hose on the 'mist' setting and stand underneath it. Imagine that, but the whole sky is on the 'mist setting'. It is the coolest thing ever. The air kind of sparkles when you look at the space around a streetlight, and it cools you down just enough to make you feel comfortable without feeling cold or suffocated.
 I love it!

Anyways, now I suppose I have to talk about Christmas. First we had the Mission Christmas Conference, where all the missionaries in the whole mission got together at this fancy place in Taipei, did some devotionals, a nativity, and had a talent show. I don't know how, but I ended up in part of a 'improv orchestra' that included the piano, guitar, cello, and violin. Fortunately we played quiet enough that you really couldn't tell I was just pressing random keys that a "Silent Night" would not consist of. Overall, the acting made up for the orchestra and it made for a really touching scene.

Two days later, on Christmas, we got up in the morning and opened our little packages from our families. Then I ate too much candy. Then we had studies and went to Skype our families!! Best part ever! Even though it was hard to hear and we weren't able to say much, the gift of just being able to see my family and just exchange a few words was definitely the highlight of the week. I'm glad the member (whose house we were skyping at) offered me an absolutely foul drink that was supposed to be 'healthy' for my eyes, because it helped fight back the tears of being able to see the faces of my family. Having that experience really made me think. Prayer. Heavenly Father is just sitting up there, waiting excitedly for the next time He gets to talk with us. He wants us to go experience things, go have fun, go learn and grow. Then after, tell Him how it went. Thank Him. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, skype with my family, and pray with my Father in Heaven. I love you all! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Haha, love the story about Christian and the pizza! Christian would not survive here. I've told you about the pizzas right? In Taiwan, I swear they don't know what a cheese pizza is. Pizzas need 7 toppings... at least! The baptism went great! Teresa, the one being baptized, was extremely worried about having to be baptized more than once. Unbelievably scared. She didn't have to worry though because it went smooth as could be. She actually lives in Utah! Did I tell you that? She flies home today. Her boyfriend works at the MTC and she lives about a 5 minute walk from the Salt Lake Temple. She was just here for 6 weeks visiting family and decided to get baptized. The mission Christmas conference was awesome. They loved the skit, and President Jergensen asked Sister Wright for a copy of it. You should be able to find clips on Sister Jergensen's webpage. Also, on facebook you might be able to find 北投支會 and like them and be able to find all the videos. That is the Beitou Ward's facebook page. Worth a shot if you've got the time. Haha Mary's gift is a Chinese hackysack. You just kind of kick it like a hackysack. Hackyfeather is I think the English for it. I have no idea. Pretty fun. Sorry the gifts were pretty lame, I did what I could with what little time I had. Hey, I did spend about the same amount on everybody's gifts though. The only one I couldn't really find was for Dad. So Dad, you will get a better gift on your birthday. I figured it would be fun to just get things from Taiwan, regardless of what they actually are. Unfortunately, Taiwan isn't like Japan in that they don't really like 'cute' little things. Well, kind of, but certainly nothing I thought worth sending. Cutesy paper was such a struggle. That was the best I could find Mom. Sorry. Oh and Christians little Pokemon book thing? Jia Qi helped me with that one. We were trying to find Pokemon cards in Chinese, but nothing. She ordered what she thought was Pokemon cards online and that came instead. So, we figured it was good enough just to get a Chinese book thing that he can put my old ones in or something. Your gifts were way better! I love every single one of them! Dad, the book you put together was awesome and I think you spoiled me too much. Mom, the Christ statue is super cool and I am getting totally sick on candy. Sarah.... Just kidding the Plan of Salvation notebook thing is perfect, I just got to find time to write the characters for it! Mary, wow that is so much music! Thank you! I can't stop listening to Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Christian, the bookmarks are so funny I love them. Already putting them to use! I felt so loved on Christmas, thank you!!!

​this is the stuff I played at the Christmas conference. I was as confused as you are

President Jergensen doing the Haka with some Polynesian Elders

 the Grand Hotel on our way to the American Club

all the missionaries at the conference

 can you see the millions of motorscooters lined up at this light? about two hundred yards of straight
 lined up motorscooters. Crazy.

Dad, if you ever run for political office again, here is an idea to catch a few eyes.

The picture doesn't fully capture how much water is dripping from the ceiling. Awesome.

the 'infamous' jumping fountains of Beitou. Literally not famous.

BanQiao, where we did a 'a capella' missionary choir performance.

loved my gifts! 

Here is me at the baptism. The water was cold.

Some cool trees in Beitou

Send the other one to the Tiltons and to Grandma and Grandpa Nieman if you get the chance. The Tiltons sent me that cute little paper Christmas tree with ornaments and I'm wearing the tie grandma and grandpa gave me. That was them right? I can't believe I forgot to send them a Christmas present!!!! I am so bummed. Is there like a grandparents awareness day I can send them something for? I'm trying desperately to think of a holiday so I can send them something. Also, I wished I had talked to them more when I had the chance, but unfortunately it was just a little awkward because I didn't realize they would be there and I forgot to think of things to ask them. Haha I should have prepared more. It's not like I didn't have anything to say, it is just hard to get started you know? Regardless, it was totally the highlight of my Christmas!!!!! I love you all!!!! Happy New Years!!

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