Sunday, July 10, 2016

Iain Letter 4

Dear  Wonderful Friend Elder Hawkes,

I have been remiss these past weeks in emailing you. "Life" and my "age" tending and caring for three little kids 24/7 has been quite a challenge- especially when their bi polar mother, our daughter, has been "crashing" again. Well, you don't need excuses because your contacts and investigators give you a steady stream of those!!!! Bottom line: Heavenly Father knows the beginning from the end. Mortality is a walk of faith and trust. I have to keep reminding myself of this. We simply have to do our best CONSTANTLY and CONTINUALLY and let the Lord do the worrying. It is HIs Church ! I shed some tears hearing about the challenges facing some of your converts and investigators, The destroying angels have been released and Satan in all powerful. But we can be happy and have a strong conviction- even knowledge- that these are all signs of the last days and have been prophesised. WE KNOW what the end will be.  We have a Maori saying in the Church in New Zealand. We quote it all the time:  Kia Kaha.  It means BE STRONG, in the Gospel and in life -doing those things we know to be true and good.

Hugs and love from our family .In our family prayers the girls pray for you all the time.


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