Sunday, July 10, 2016

Time and Typhoons


I have heard rumors from members about a typhoon hitting Taiwan in the next 3 or 4 days! I'm super excited! Still not 100% guaranteed it will hit us, but I certainly hope it will. Typhoon=3 days of nice cool weather before it hits, service opportunities, crazy mission stories, and a week or so without 小黑蚊('little black mosquito')!!! More info on the little black mosquitos: they are actually a type of larva that, like mosquitoes, suck blood and inject a chemical that makes you itch like crazy. The difference between 小黑蚊 and regular mosquitoes is that 小黑蚊 are about the size of small moles on your arm and their itch lasts a lot longer. They are horrible because you don't notice them until after they have burrowed into your skin and left their deadly itch inside of you. Anyways, it turns out that typhoons kill off the little buggers for a few weeks and leaves the world a whole lot happier.
Yesterday was a pretty big bummer. No investigators at church. 張安夫 Zhang An Fu (the old guy) didn't show up, 陳佳宜 Chen Jia Yi (awesome investigator) hasn't answered the phone in a while, 張寶心 Zhang Bao Xin (other awesome investigator) set a baptismal date this last week (yes!!) but wasn't able to come to church. We had a lot of awesome service opportunities this week like helping a member walk her electric wheelchair back to her house because it was out of battery and cleaning up two bags of recycling that fell off a truck on a main road.
During studies the last week I was feeling a little guilty about asking members to be at our lessons so often. As I thought about it, something hit me--the more time we spend involved in the Gospel, the deeper our conversion becomes. Take serving a mission for an example. We spend 100% of our time doing the work. It takes all our thoughts, all our heart, and all our energy. Missions are an incredible investment of time in the gospel, but the results are equally if not more incredible. I'm convinced that the more we make Christ the center of our lives like the clay on the potter's wheel from last year's general conference, the deeper our conversion will be. I love all of you, and wish you a happy Fourth of July!

Great photos! (You're getting better.) Typhoon is Nepartak. Just a tropical storm now. Should be strong (Cat 3) by the time it approaches Taiwan, though most warning tracks have it bending north and just glancing Taiwan. Hopefully enough to kill the LBBs (Little Black B_stards) and cool things down. In Japan, the cool air usually followed Typhoons, which kind of sucked all the humidity out of the air. --Dad

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