Sunday, April 2, 2017

Yoda Funktown


Last week was crazy busy! I went on two exchanges, we had Elder Funk of the Seventy and his wife come to visit our mission and had a half-mission conference, and then interviews with the President! In between all of that we just had lesson after lesson. So much fun!! Here are some of the thoughts and insights from the week of exchanges and conferences and interviews:
  • D&C 44:2, difference between being faithful and exercising faith to have the Spirit with us during meetings.
  • Receiving correction from others is hard, but if you are humble enough then you can learn much.
  • Roll up your sleeves: get ready to work hard and thrust in your sickle with all your might to bring people closer to baptism!!
  • Measure everything you do as a missionary against the doctrine of Christ (faith, repentance, etc.).
  • Making sure you are doing good things is important, but also decide what you are NOT going to do (i.e. waste time, fall asleep during studies).
  • A missionary only really needs to things to be successful--faith and skill.
  • Say little prayers throughout the day to remember Heavenly Father.
  • Spending lots of time preparing lessons and then ready to depart from your plan at the slightest nudge from the Spirit.
  • It doesn't matter if you are following the crowd or going against the crowd. Just follow Christ.
  • Turn your phone off during lessons or interactions with others.
  • Fill your daily plan with activities, but more importantly as many names as you can.
  • Doctrines and principles don't change, practices and procedures changes.
Another fun thing we did this week is doorbell-ditch our new bishop. He is really stressed about his new calling, and has lots of doubts whether or not he can carry out his added responsibilities. What we decided to do is take this huge cardboard Yoda thing, write on the back of it 願傳教士的支持與你同在 (May the 'support of the missionaries' be with you), and then leave it on his doorstep. Really hard when everyone in Taiwan lives in an apartment building with a security guard at the bottom! We may or may not have snuck in, gotten lucky he lived on the bottom floor, left the poster on what we hope is his doorstep (still not sure), and snuck out. Well, that must be why the CIA recruits return missionaries so much. We are just that 厲害. Hope you all have a wonderful week!

worker and customer??

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