Sunday, March 20, 2016

Halting Chinese and Almost Baptism


What a week of finding. Hour after hour, day after day. We had so many lessons this last week that just cancelled or stood us up. It turned out to be a really frustrating week, but rewarding nonetheless. We found an awesome investigator named Emma who attended the wrong church but then wanted to meet with us after it was over. We sat down with her at a McDonalds, and she told us about how she had already read half of the Gospel Principles handbook (who knows where she got it from) and really wanted to follow Christ. She accepted the invitation to be baptized, but we still have to work out a date with her.

     This last Saturday, every companionship in our district had a baptism! Every companionship, that is, except ours. Our investigator who was scheduled to be baptized on Saturday, Ivan, met with us two days before and said he didn't want to be baptized. He wouldn't really share with us why, but he said he has some other things he wants to get done before he gets baptized. It was so disappointing to be sitting in the audience watching all the other companionships baptize their converts, but I can't complain too much. Watching three awesome people enter the waters of baptism and covenant with their Heavenly Father made for an epic Saturday evening.

    Before the actual baptisms, each missionary introduced their investigator. I sat there listening to their awesome Chinese and soaking it all in, and then realized just how awesome what we are doing is. From my perspective, their Chinese was awesome. From everyone else in the room's perspective, it was barely passable. Here are these white people from half a world away stumbling through Chinese vocabulary and grammar, and they are standing right next to someone who had enough patience to let them get their point across and then even believe them enough to make a commitment that will change the whole rest of their lives. Wow. It truly is a testament to the workings of the Holy Ghost and the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. If someone from Peru came and tried to get me to read Twilight and give up chocolate in halting English I don't think I would blink twice before I slammed the door. All my love and prayers!!!

Here is a picture of a Taiwanese grave. There are whole mountainsides covered in these!

my dinner party last night. There are a bunch of Filipinos in XinFeng, and those are some of the members that attend the English ward in Zhubei. One is named Fyde and he is teaching me some Tagalog!!

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