Sunday, March 20, 2016

Hospitality and Names


You know those charities where you donate like $20 dollars and you can 'adopt' a puffin? You know, they don't actually send it to your house, but you get to name it and they send a picture of a nondescript puffin? I think I'm going to do something similar to that. 20 minutes of scripture reading and you get to give a Taiwanese high school student an English name. I'm mostly kidding, but seriously, if you have this awesome name but are just too scared to actually name your kid it, you can email me and I'm sure someone here would want it. I bring this up because we met this awesome guy on the street, and he didn't have an English name so we gave him the name Charlie. Charlie was actually pretty awesome, and we set a baptismal date with him on the street. The investigators last week named Emma and Joe are super awesome as well, and Emma is scheduled to be baptized on the 26th of this month!!

    Transfers were this week, and I got a new companion! Elder Humphries and my new companion, Elder Karlinsey, actually just traded areas from HuaLian to XinFeng. Elder Karlinsey is super awesome! He only has two transfers left, so I'm going to 'kill' him (be his last companion before he goes home). He is super obedient, and I swear he already knows the area better than I do. It is going to be an awesome two transfers and then I might train after, so I am pretty excited.

    Last night rained like crazy. We didn't know it was going to rain, so we were far from the house and we couldn't buy anything because it was Sunday. We got soaked. It was freezing. We decided to knock doors because we were the only ones crazy enough to be outside in the bitter wind and rain, and we forgot about the hospitality here in Taiwan. The first person that answered made us come in and sit down on his couch (tracking in puddles of water) and then left us there in his front living room while he made us coffee, brought apples, brought cookies, and then made us just plain hot water after we told him we couldn't drink the coffee. He wasn't interested in our message at all, but he literally almost made me shower at his house so I didn't catch a cold. We finally escaped the pit of hospitality, and the very next person did the exact same thing. Who thought the work could be so hard because someone uninterested in our message would keep us at their house for that long. The Taiwanese are so amazing and kind to everyone, and I really hope that when I'm 40 and two rain-soaked foreigners knock on my door that I will be willing to let them ruin my couch. I love you all!

Elder Karlinsey after his first time conquering XinFeng hill

Me, being weird with a coat I found in the missionary closet.

I met this guy named Ko-Chittit or something like that. He is from Laos and lives in the States, so I told him about Boone and he was insistent we take a picture and show Boone! He was awesome!

This is our awesome district, which has just barely changed but that is ok.

the other is a stinking tractor doing something stinky I don't like to our backyard!!! I really hope they are not building a road there or more buildings,
 that is the only good part of our apartment!!!

theme park in ZhuDong, despite being US$30, it was pretty fun. If I had had the choice, I probably wouldn't have gone, but Elder Humphries had his heart set on it so I indulged him.

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