Sunday, March 27, 2016

Rain and Cynics


 Pretty awesome week! We have two investigators right now that are just the bomb. Emma Ye and Joe Zhu Jia Wei. The former might get baptized this week and has asked me to baptize her! The only thing she has that might prevent her from getting baptized this week is that she has work. I am so much more than excited, because this will be the first real baptism on my mission where I have seen the investigator through the whole process! She is absolutely incredible. She already has a coworker she is trying to introduce to the gospel. Amazing! The other has actually called us a few times asking if he can meet with us. He called us!! He also has a horrible work situation, so it will be hard to get him to church enough times to be baptized, but he totally has the faith to do it.
     I think it has rained at least a little bit every day for the last two weeks. Some days just pour rain. I don't know where all that stinking water comes from. Everything in our apartment is soaked in water if we leave the windows open on accident. Not kidding. I cannot believe how wet it is. Forget about gum, it melts into the wrapper from humidity. Things go moldy in a matter of days (my toothbrush...). The bathroom is never not wet. Clothes do not dry, even after putting them in the washer like three times. I cannot express how much I regret taking a pack of chapstick on my mission.
     I was reading through some old stuff, and I came across an awesome quote by President Hinckley: "Cynics do not contribute; skeptics do not create. Doubters do not acheive." I love that. Especially true in the mission field. At least, the last line does. I'm sure there is some connection you can draw from the first two to missionary work, but ya gotta love the third one, "doubters do not acheive". Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ leaves no room for doubters. This last week in my studies, I have been focusing on faith over and over again. Often times in the day to day life of a missionary, you sweat the small things--my laundry isn't folded, we got hardly any new investigators this week, my legs are killing me. I'm always brought back to faith. Faith just makes everything clearer. Faith gives us the power to do all those little things and to remember why we are doing them. Increasing your faith is like charging a battery that you can use to repent, to become better. I hope everything is going well with all you awesome people! 加油!

I made contact with that person Jeff Thomas told me about!! It was so cool, she took us to eat at a 5-star hotel's buffet. It was crazy cool. And then the member we brought with us (Zhuo Wen Hua, he is so funny and awesome) turns to us and says, "I'm fasting!" AHH!!! We had asked him to help us peike (be at a lesson) and asked him to share about his testimony about fasting. He didn't really have one, and it was awkward. So he decided to fast for his work situation because he hasn't had work in two months or so, and he got one meal in when that happened. How ironic! We literally forced him to eat. Because it was a buffet, he had to pay to just to get in, so he couldn't just come and not eat, and he couldn't not come because we couldn't be alone with a single lady without a peike. How crazy! It's ok, because we fasted with him afterwards.

it felt kind of manly ripping this chicken apart with my bare hands, good for companionship unity.

I hope you can see how much rain there is

this is a little of what I was trying to describe in my big letter. Hey, sorry this week there aren't awesome pictures, if there is anything specific you want a picture of, let me know and I will shoot a photo

 Take photos of the people and places that you want to remember. Sometimes the little details--photos of markets, small shops, or whatever--prove memorable. You don't think of them now because they are part of your world, but think about how you tell the story of Taiwan and the story of your mission. Look for photos that help tell that story.---Dad

Inline image 1

Those are the keys you lost a year ago, dork-boy. Joe Moore found them in the couch downstairs, though now they are of no use to anyone. Love you. --Dad, Mom, Sarah

I tore that stupid couch apart looking for those keys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About to miss the train! Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a good afternoon ;)

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