Sunday, June 5, 2016

Skywalker and Bleached Hair


Be very, very, very, jealous of this beautiful mango and what is called a zhong zi. It is a triangular rice thing with meat, beans, and nuts that has been cooked in this weird leaf. Not sure how to describe it, but lets just say THIS meal was amazing

Culture Stuff: we were given what is supposed to be the best mangoes in Taiwan. I wholeheartedly believe them. We were carrying them around the church bragging and all the members were freaking out and telling us that we had the fruit from heaven. I think I could retire to an island infested with mangoes forever, just please leave out the 8-inch centipedes, poisonous snakes, foot-long spiders, mold, mutant cockroaches, bright red wasps the size of USBs, and rats. All of which I have come into close contact with.


    So Shuai: shuai kind of means handsome? More like a wow-that-is-so-epically-awesome kind of meaning, although you can apply it to people. Anyways, check out the attached picture of a "shuai" lawnmower. It reminds me of the first star wars where Luke races those little speeder things in the desert. Know that part? He even has the hat to match. It is literally a motor-scooter with a lawn-mowing thing attached to the front. It had our district in stiches as they hacked at the forest of grass behind the church during district meeting.

     Miracle of the Week: There is this Filipino member that lives in our ward, and has us come visit every so often. She married a Taiwanese, but after having three kids he left her, and so now she is on her own raising three kids. Get this: she can speak Tagalog and English, but hardly any Chinese while her kids almost exclusively speak Chinese. I don't even know how they live together. Parents, imagine not being able to talk to your kids. Kids, imagine not being able to talk with your parents. Very sad situation, especially because one of the sons is pretty wayward. She always begs us: "Elders, please help my son." It tugs at your heartstrings, especially when every time we set up to visit them she cancels because her son leaves the house. 

     Anyways, we ran into this kid last night that looked like a punk (ok, maybe it is a stereotype of people with bleached hair, but usually you are right). We started talking with him, and then he showed us a picture of his mom--it was Edelyn! The magnitude of what was happening just rushed into my mind all at once. We had a great conversation and then he gave us his phone number! So stinking cool. Well, best wishes to all the people heading into summer vacation and condolences to their parents! I love you all!

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