Sunday, June 26, 2016

Church and Fenglin


 Transfers happen pretty fast in our mission. I found out Wednesday morning that I was moving, and the next evening I was teaching a lesson clear across the island. Yep, I moved to 花蓮(Hualien)! Hualien is known for being one of the most beautiful places on the island (I definitely believe it) and for having some of the best areas. Not only that, but I have one of the best missionaries as my companion: Elder Jensen. Funny enough, he is my trainer's trainer (or my grandpa in missionary terms) and he is on his last transfer. He really is known throughout the whole mission as being on of the most loving and successful missionaries. I believe it. He asks everyone what their favorite part of the day was at night and picks up trash as we walk down the streets finding. Not only that, but I get to be in a 4-man apartment with the Zone Leaders Elder Humphries (my previous companion!) and Elder Miner. Basically I am just extremely excited for this next transfer.

     Probably the best part of the week was attending the first meeting of a branch in 豐林(Fenglin)! It was so cool. We had about 14 people meet in the bishops house out in the middle of nowhere, and had a sacrament meeting and then shared our testimonies. Apparently starting this branch has been a big goal of Elder Jensen's, and it was a big step towards working to split the HuaLien stake. Though it was small, the Spirit was there. It made me think of how when Joseph Smith held the first sacrament meeting. No one in that small room could have imagined the many chapels dotting the entire world in our day. It was just a great reminder to me of how the Lord works through small and simple means to bring to pass His eternal and great purposes. Hope you all have a great week! Love you!

there is a branch in Yuli to our south with a few missionaries, and then a zone in Taidong, but yep that is pretty much it. I am definitely east coast

I have so many stinking more pictures, but I think I sent enough to get a taste of what it is like. It is so much more beautiful in person. The slopes are so dramatic and always covered in mist and fog. It is so incredible. Oh! Fun weather phenomenon for Dad, in Hualien it rains every night. The clouds build off of the ocean and then are blown inland. Then they run into the huge mountains right along the coast and continue to build and build until they just dump all their water and move over the mountains. You can literally watch the clouds build up throughout the day and get darker until it starts pouring. It doesn't matter too much though, because by the end of the day we are already soaked in sweat. It is so hot here. Our pants have these white lines all over them from guess what? Salt from sweat. crazy.

the underwater camera works!!!!

just so many things to take pictures of in Hualien!

 moquito bites (I have gotten more since then), my new zone, a place called guangrong

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