Sunday, June 26, 2016

Stories: Tall and Short


Tall Tale of the Week: this isn't my tall tale but rather one of a guy we met on the street the other day. We were talking/walking with one of our investigators down the road when we noticed someone on the side of the street watching us. Because we are missionaries, anyone that looks at us for more than a few seconds gets contacted. We finished our conversation and went back and he just started complimenting us on what awesome people we were. It was a pretty normal conversation until Elder Jensen asked about this huge dent in the corner of the man's head. To our surprise, he told us that he was a police officer and that it was from a man that had taken a bat to his head and then shot him in the chest (at which point he lifted his shirt way up and showed us the scar). But he said it was ok because he 把他殺死了, or, "grab-him-kill-death-ed". He invited us in and then after a short while we determined the man had hit him a little to hard in the head, which was confirmed when the sister drove up and told us those were scars from surgery because of some 'head problems'.

     Investigators: Kay Jia Yi is totally awesome and accepted all the commandments like cake which means she will probably be baptized in two-ish weeks. Wang Ya Hui is remembering more and more (bad car accident a year ago) each time we teach the first and second lessons but still hasn't talked to her dad about coming to church.

     Short Stories: I was reading a talk last week by Elder Claudio R.M. Costa from last year's October conference entitled: "That They Do Always Remember Him." I loved it. In it, he talks about fulfilling our baptismal covenant and 'always remembering' Christ. One specific way he mentioned we could do so was by telling the stories of Jesus and remembering important events in the life of Christ. The stories of Christ truly are incredible, and during the week when I would visualize one, I got this awesome feeling and I really did feel closer to Christ. I know that as we learn more about the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we have more of a desire to draw closer to Christ through repentance. As we understand the Atonement better, we feel just how possible it is for us to change. We have a hope that we can recognize more of our potential as children of God. The easier it feels, the more likely we are to do it. I hope you all can take some time this week to ponder on the stories of Jesus as well as His infinite Atonement. I love you all, have a great week!

I asked Elder Jensen to study your question Mom, and he had a few awesome tips I'll share: 1-count your blessings and see what good it's brought you, 2-think of the consequences of not living the Gospel or having it in your life, 3-look at what you lack and work to achieve it, 4-study and serve always looking to apply new principles, 5-do missionary work/magnify your calling/think of why you are doing it, 6-talk about it more with family, friends, and through sincere prayer to Heavenly Father. Pretty good tips for finding motivation to live the Gospel more fully. I also thought about it a lot, and I mostly came up with the spiritual share that I put in the email to everyone, but also another thing. Having gospel discussions. I know I always have more motivation to learn and grow when I simply just talk about gospel doctrines with family or friends and stuff. Having gospel discussions helps us focus on the significance it has in our lives and stuff like that. Also, some homework if you get the time: "It Works Wonderfully" Uchtdorf October 2015, Bonnie L. Oscarson from this April, and True to the Faith on conversion. Good reads. Ok, sorry, I really got to go, but I hope those are pretty cool. I will send more next week.

that crazy guy I told you about in the big email ("what big email jordan?") 

 me holding our recent converts bird named 'Peace'. It flew away the other day....

what mornings usually look like in Hualien

I know, creepy shadow on my face, so sorry.

what happens when Elders cut hair...

toured this awesome bat cave

 the beach clear down in a place called Fengbin

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