Sunday, August 16, 2015

Iain Mckay Letter 1


Dear Elder Hawkes,

You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I am so thrilled to receive your emails via your Mother. I shed some tears over the last one. Ignore what Elder Facer said. The Lord moves in mysterious ways and this is a day of miracles.Too, His time is not our time. It all works out- eventually. 

My family disowned me when I joined the Church. Some of my so called "best friends" said they never wanted to have anything to do with me ever again"  .... and they haven't. Others have come back but it has taken time.Some struggle to be friendly. Others are hostile. It NEVER affects me. I just pray hard and try to "radiate" the Gospel. My parents struggled with my decision as I was their only child. There were some stormy scenes- especially when my Mother got drunk- but they came around. They are both gone now but we have done  their work and know they have accepted. Too personal to put in an email but I'll tell you one day. My Mother's dying words to our Dr were "Tell Iain if her baptises me I'll come back and haunt him". That was pretty scary!!!!!! - but I finally had it done and when I plucked up courage I was sealed to them in the Bountiful Temple.

Years ago when I was a new member of the Church and not married, I was called   by Elder LeGrand Richards of the Twelve to be a counsellor in the first Stake created in Wellington-  the Capital City of New Zealand. Some months later I was in SLC representing our Stake at General Conference. Elder Richards took me to lunch at the old Hotel Utah. I "unloaded" on him about all the challenges we were facing in the newly created Stake. He listened patiently. Finally I caught myself and said "Elder Richards  you must have a LOT more "problems"  in your position than we do in our Stake"   Elder Richards replied- and in so saying taught me one of the MOST powerful lessons of my time and service in the Church "Iain, I am a  very prayerful man . I work VERY hard. But, at night when I go to bed I sleep like a baby.  Then he paused ( to make sure I was getting it into my dumb head)  and said "I let the Lord do the worrying. It is His Church"..............

I have tried to follow that counsel all my years.On occasion I have "worried" but this life and service in the Church is a walk of faith and hope and trust. You hold the Priesthood of God- the authority to act in His name. You have been called  by a Prophet to serve. Work HARD. Sleep well and have faith. It will all work out in His time. I go back to NZ now and see Stakes everywhere. In my lifetime we struggled to have enough leadership to have a full High Council and many times we couldn't even find a Bishop!!
There will be times when you will be tested- sometimes by lazy or difficult companions- Continue to do your VERY best and let Heavenly Father do the worrying.

I hope you are "enjoying" rice instead of Chicken Hamburgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha.

Hugs and prayers


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