Monday, October 5, 2015

Letter from Mom


Hi Jojo,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY on TUESDAY!!!!  I wish we could sing to you in person, but know we will be singing to you in spirit (we may just sing really loud in hopes that you'll hear us).  I'm sure birthdays are a bit strange in the mission field - probably just another day.  But promise me you'll go get yourself some kind of treat or something.  I even included some cool candles you can put on your treat (in your birthday box). 

I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father sent you to me some 19 years ago.  I thought you were the prettiest baby that I'd ever seen and I adored you from day one.  I still do. I could have never imagined how much love I would have for another little person.   When you hold that new baby in your arms, you want to do everything exactly perfect as a parent and you have dreams of what they will grow up to be.  You naively think that if you do everything just perfectly, that they will grow up to be the perfect child.  Well, I definitely didn't do everything perfect - and in many ways, I was majorly lacking as a parent.  But I must have done something right to have deserved you.  As I've said before, if I was to carefully plan and design the perfect son, I can't imagine anything different than what I was given.  I'm so grateful everyday for the person that you've become and all the good things that you have done and are doing in your life.  You are an example to all and especially to me.  I love you.

This week has been pretty non-eventful.  Preschool keeps me pretty busy, but I have Jenny helping this year so it takes off a lot of the pressure.  The kids are easier this year as well which helps immensly.  I'm still working with the Webelos but they are about to change me to working with the Wolves which I'm excited about.  I get to work with Rebecca Sperry and boys just coming into cub scouts.

You'd be proud of little C.J.  He's becoming quite the little soccer player.  He scored about 5 goals last game (one was an own goal dad probably told you about) and he's getting really good ball control.  He plays constantly in the kitchen which drives me crazy.  I keep telling him that when he makes his first million as a famous soccer player, he gets to buy me a new kitchen.  Why, oh why can't boys take the soccer balls outside?  Don't answer that.  He says that he's going to be amazing when you get home.

Mary on the other hand has been struggling with soccer.  Her coach (Andrew Vance) clearly sees her as the weakest on the team and sits her out a majority of the game.  I bet she played 5 minutes the 1st half yesterdays game, and about 15 the second half.  She's losing confidence in herself.  It's pretty sad to see her sitting there.  If you have any advice or tips on how she can improve her abilities, that would be great.

Sarah had a bit of a disappoinment this week as well (don't tell her I am telling you this).  You know how much she has a crush on Tanner VanOrman.  Well, Scott VanOrman randomly called us on Thursday to go waterskiing with them.  Sarah got kind of excited and nervous - but you could tell really wanted us to go.  Dad was super busy, but knowing how much it meant to Sarah, put everything aside and went with the kids.  When they left, Sarah was extremely disappointed to find out that Tanner had also invited his Homecoming date to come along.  They kind of ignored Sarah and were acting like a couple.  Her little heart was broken.  So sad.

I really enjoyed conference this weekend. So many amazing talks given.  It seems like the older I get, the more i truly love conference. You may not have gotten a chance to hear the talks yet, but there are some real gems.  I need to go back and read many of them again and again.  You'll have to let me know which ones were some of your favorites.

Hope all is well.  I never got your email with your bank information so hopefully you'll send that soon.  We miss you but we are so grateful for what you are doing.  We pray for you many times daily.  Love you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!


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