Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Letter to Sarah 1


Couldn't resist responding to all those questions you've asked. They are awesome! The music we listen to is mostly sappy Mormon music but occasionally you get a good song that is worth listening to. Missionary humor is way different than regular humor. Most of it has to do with Gospel topics, and is kind of like a Seminary joke. It's horrible unless you are on a mission. We try to give out around 5 or 6 Book of Mormons a week. Something discovered getting along with companions.... Rough. It's pretty hard. Mostly, don't look for the faults. There are so so so many little things that you can pick out and criticize, but there are also so many big things that you can praise them on. You got to get past the little things to see the big things. Also, when criticizing others, it's interesting because I use the word 'I' a lot. Who would have thought? I've found when you take the word 'I' out of the equation, you look more positively on others. How to focus your prayers so they are more meaningful? I don't know if you have heard my solution before, but I sometimes like to say two prayers. One where I get everything out that I normally say, and then the next one you are forced to really think. To think deeper. It's awesome. Give it a try. It doesn't work for everyone, but it's a suggestion. How to not spiritual plateau. That's a good one. Along with making the scripture study more meaningful. So one of the greatest ironies of missionary work is that you don't have enough time to read the scriptures. We get one hour of personal study a day, and it certainly isn't enough. When studying, I have a few suggestions that might also help with not spiritually plateauing (That's a word? My auto correct isn't underlining plateauing!!). First, have a purpose. You need a reason to study other than "I need to study". Second, set aside the time. Third, keep a study journal. Those three things have helped me so stinking much. Having a purpose helps you really focus on learning something. Go into a study with a question or a topic you would like to learn about. Study about a quality you would like to possess, etc. Make it meaningful and take steps to actually apply it rather than read a chapter of the Book of Mormon and forget it the next day like I did throughout High School. Setting aside the time allows you to have a time where you can actually focus. Study journal is a super important part. Each time you study, write one thing down that you learned. One thing. It can be super short. When you do this, it helps you reflect on what you just did and actually get something out of it. When you go back, you have a journal filled of thoughts and impressions that are meaningful. I have some other advice on the whole Kelly thing that I would like to share with you, but I've got to do it next week I'm sorry. Those are some tips you can try and use as you would like. Ultimately, it's your own study. Good luck! Also, my ponderizing scripture is Philippians 4: 11-13, what is yours and the family's? I love you!

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