Sunday, January 1, 2017

Christmas and the Mountains Belong to Amas



And so passes yet another Christmas in the long line of Christmases, though the last of those spent on my mission. What a crazy thought. For whatever reason, this year I found myself pondering less and less on the details of this spectacular event and more and more on the significance of the birth of our Savior: the glad tidings of great joy, the promise of a Redeemer who would take upon himself the sins and afflictions of mankind, the hope that the finality and solitude of death would be swallowed up in the glorious light of just another beginning. What a promise. What joyful news. I get to share that promise, the gospel, with everyone I meet! I am forever touched by the image of the Son of Man--Great Creator, Almighty God, King of Heaven, Alpha and Omega, Messiah--born unto Mary in a lowly manger. Such a humble beginning of the greatest to ever walk the Earth.

Our investigators are doing great, and we are finding more each week. The Liang Family, 梁家庭, have had to move back their baptismal date due to problems with giving up tea, but come to church pretty regularly and have accepted all the rest of the commandments without the blink of an eye. Eric 馬先生 is doing well reading and praying and is progressing as well. For the first time this last week, I was able to meet with Tim, a man from the States who got married here in Taiwan. Elder Heaton used to meet with him a lot last transfer, but Tim got busy this last month so last week was the first time I got to meet him. We shared the Plan of Salvation and he loved it! He thought it was so interesting, and said he would definitely go home, read the Book of Mormon, ponder on everything we taught, and pray to God to ask if it is true. That is all we ask! It was amazing!

I would like to mention something from a week or so ago that has taught me a lot. We were biking up a huge mountain for Preparation Day and were absolutely exhausted. We were in the middle of a super isolated place with just a few random houses of farmers and lots of graves, and we were feeling pretty good about ourselves for how far and high we had biked. The hill was almost straight up though, so we dismounted our bikes and just started walking them up. After a few minutes, we walked past a man who was sweeping leaves that had fallen onto the road into little piles. We had no idea why he was doing such a task, but as we walked past him, he started laughing at us. "Tired?" he asked. "Oh ya! We biked all the way from ShiLin!" we responded. "Well, you're not the only ones to bike this path! Lots of people pass by here!" We were a little confused. We were near the top of a mountain, exhausted out of our minds, a little proud of our accomplishment, only to learn that the crazy idea we had had was old hat?? We asked what crazy fit biking machines would come clear up where we were, to which he replied, "Lots of 70- and 80-year-old men and women. They just put their bikes in the lowest gear possible and slowly crawl up the mountain, getting passed by motorcycles and buses every once in a while. When they get close to the top, they get off and walk along this ridge-line trail up to the summit and then head back down." What??? The only people crazy enough to do what we were doing were old a-gong 阿公 and a-ma 阿馬. Several times a week, these frail bodies make it to the top of this huge mountain: all because the took their time. Like the tortoise and the hare, we had been shown up by people twice our ages put together. It just goes to show, those who are willing to slow things down and with patience and diligence take it in gear-one can conquer mountains. Love you guys! Merry Christmas


Get my gift emails ok? Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!!! Your guys' presents were so amazing! I'm already using them all! I listened to Sarah's CD, slept on Christians pillow, gorged myself on Mary's caramel popcorn, wore Grandma and Grandpa's socks, and the whole rest of the shebang! I was so excited about the electric razor and pocket knife thingy, and the Buddha Board is already set up! I will have to email about picking me up next week due to time, but in short I don't really mind getting picked up. I don't need the whole airport welcome thing to feel like I've ended my mission. Also, could I bother someone to look and see if they can find a picture from my EFY group from like 6 years ago? When I was 14. I think there is someone from that group in my mission right now, and I just want to make sure I'm not crazy. Love you guys!!!!

I still have food in my mouth for the first few pictures.... ignore those...........

Ya, I'm a pretty professional Harry Potter and Superman. Absolutely stunning view from the top of this mountain across all of Taipei and all the way to the northern tip of Taiwan. I've heard the nighttime view is spectacular as well.

 some spoiled little one-year-olds birthday. They make a huge deal out of them 
here in Taiwan.

 me opening Christmas presents!

Crowded bus on the way up to hike Yang Ming Shan, the national park right up the mountains from where we are. We hiked to the tippy top and it was incredible!!! It was way to hot for my jacket, so I found a stick of bamboo and tied my jacket and shoulder bag to it like in the picture shown

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