Sunday, January 1, 2017

Christmas Letters: Mary

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Or should I say, ‘Mary’ Christmas?? Kidding! Hope you have had such an awesome Christmas break from Junior High! That is so crazy to think you are already in Junior High! I loved Junior High, so I hope you are loving it too! The Christmas presents I chose for you and Sarah might be the same, but I really tried to choose ones that I felt like fit you and that you would enjoy! The Chinese idiom or ‘chengyu’ I chose for you means “sincere heart and real intent”. I feel like you have always been such a cute and sincere person, so I decided this idiom represented you really well. It is so much fun to hear in letters about how good you are getting at viola, soccer, and everything else in school! I can’t wait to see you this next summer and we can go hiking every day!! I also hope that as you keep working through Junior High and High School, you can keep in mind having a “sincere heart and real intent”. People really can tell when you are sincere about something, and real intent will help you become the person you want to be and a person other people can trust. Enjoy your Christmas Day!! I love you Mary!
-Jojo (a.k.a. Elder Hawkes)

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