Sunday, January 1, 2017

Christmas Letters: Dad

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I’ve got to apologize I couldn’t get the package there in time before Christmas this year... Oh well, this is pretty close right? Finding things for you and Mom was a little bit hard, but in the end I found some pretty cool stuff. I have no idea what you want to use the little wooden cup thing for, but I figured it made for a pretty sweet flower vase or pencil holder, whatever you’d like. The other, if the lady told me right, is this kind of nut that if you rub it it makes you more beautiful. I rubbed yours for a few minutes and I could already feel the beauty flowing into me, so I know you will find it useful. She also told me (and this might be a bit more realistic) that if you rub it enough it will polish up really nice. Even though I bought it at a Buddhist street stand, I thought you and Mom would like a matching pair. The cut paper is a chengyu, or Chinese idiom. You will have to look it up online, but it basically means “teach while you learn and learn while you teach.” Something along those lines. I know teaching and learning is important to you and something you do very well, so I chose that idiom. I think this represents you really well, and I am always so greatful for the lessons you have taught me over the years, and especially the awesome insights you share in your letters every week. I use those letters often to teach other missionaries and to learn how to become a better missionary, so keep them up! Crazy to think I will be back next Christmas enjoying fresh hot chocolate and cabin trip insanity! Thank you for your incredible example Dad, and for all you’ve done for our family. I love you!!!
-Jordan (a.k.a. Elder Hawkes)

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