Sunday, January 1, 2017

Christmas Letters: Christian

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I hope you are having a great Christmas morning Christian!! I’m sure Santa brought a lot of presents to you, Mary, and Sarah, and he even stopped by Taiwan! It was a little harder for him because we don’t have a chimney and all the windows have bars over them, but he still managed it! I know you have been a great boy this last year, so you will have to tell me about all the presents Santa gave you. I’m sorry you can’t unwrap mine this year, but at least you can open it this morning and then unwrap it next year (2017) when it arrives!! The idiom I chose for you means “if you collect together enough sand, it will become a tower”. This is one of my favorite idioms in Chinese, because I feel like it is a good reminder that most important things (maybe even all important things) don’t change overnight. Like little grains of sand, you have to collect lots and lots and lots of them together for a long time to make something big. Sometimes it may feel like it isn’t making a difference, but it is! Every grain of sand adds to the tower of the person you want to become, the obstacle you want to overcome, or the triumph you want to have won. Keep working hard at everything Christian! Enough grains of sand become a tower! I love you little buddy, and I’m excited to see you again this next summer!!
-Jojo (a.k.a. Elder Hawkes)

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