Sunday, January 1, 2017

Christmas Letters: Mom

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Hope you are having a great Christmas morning!! Super sorry I didn’t plan the package enough in advance to get it to you guys before Christmas! Even though it won’t get there for about a month or so, I hope this email and picture method works alright. Wierd to think that next year the gifts won’t need to be in a package!! I got you the same wierd nut thing that I got Dad, and I’m not sure what you want to do with it but the lady told me if you rub it enough it will make you more beautiful. I dunno, she said it, not me. The other is a jade necklace thing. Honestly it was pretty hard deciding what you might like, but at least with the wierd nut thing and the jade necklace you can take it apart and do something else with it if you would like. The Chinese idiom or ‘chengyu’ I chose for you means something along the lines of “live in the moment” or “enjoy every second”. I felt like this represented of something you have been striving towards and something you have expressed as being one of the biggest lessons you have learned from when you were my age. I hope the little cut paper thing can remind you to keep working towards whatever goals or aspirations you might have, and stopping to smell the roses along the way as well. I really have learned a lot from you, Mom, about enjoying those simple but wonderful moments in life. You have always been an awesome example of loving and caring and tending to even the smallest needs of others—especially of us kids. I don’t feel like there is any need in my life that can’t be met by Heavenly Father and the enormous efforts of you as my mother! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas time, and enjoy every tree decorated with Christmas lights, every Christmas song sung in the car, and every piece of wrapping paper littering the floor as you read this email ;) I love you Mom!!

-Jordan (a.k.a. Elder Hawkes)

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